الثلاثاء، 28 يونيو 2011

Did you know? Miscellaneous

Did you know?

* That the sentences do not forget who oppress him.
* That the Maltese language is the most affected by the Arabic language.
* The French expedition to Mexico as long as five years.
* The Sea "Saragaso" has no beaches and the sea for being within the "Atlantic".
* The columns called the Pharaonic obelisk.
* That Alexander the Great died in Babylon.
* The "dolphin" is the smartest mammals.
* It was a homing pigeon to the special department in the mail in the Abbasid era.
* Did you know that the religion of Shinto is the name of a Japanese name means: the way to the gods.
* Did you know that the Chinese Emperor who built the Great Wall of China is: Huang T.
* Did you know that the number of lovely poetry is: sixteen sea.
* Did you know that is Almzhbat pendants, and poems in the ancient pre-Islamic poetry and was written in gold leaf.
* Did you know that the ancient Arabs were firing on yellow gold name Resonator.
* Did you know that Korah became famous in ancient history that turns dirt into gold.
* Did you know that gold is weighed in grams and the diamond carat.
* Did you know that Emerald has a second name is Aquamarine and that is the gold dust gold dust.
* Did you know that shaking its wings, fly around (32) times per second.
* Did you know that the elephant smell human, half a km.
* Did you know that eagles do not die and commit suicide, but because of the disease.
* Did you know that the smallest bird in the world is the bird fly.
* Did you know that the shortest time in the world play at 30 seconds.
* Did you know that man when he speaks, it uses 44 muscles, and when he gets angry and used 23 muscle musculorum only when smiling and relax during sleep, muscle 357.
* Did you know that the oldest carpet in the world made of hair and wool in red and white was discovered in 1947 and dates back to the fifth century BC and are currently in the city (Leningrad).
* Did you know that the gravity on the moon equal to one sixth gravity on Earth.
* Did you know that it is not the moon's atmosphere and mountains covering most of its surface.
* Did you know that the largest desert in the world with an area of ​​8 million km and is the Sahara.
* Did you know that the number of machines used to cut grass in the United States 70 million machine and these machines cause pollution to the environment caused by the equivalent of 30 million cars.
* Did you know that the number of soldiers of the French campaign on Egypt 36 thousand troops.
* Did you know that the system of imperial rule in Japan.
* Did you know that then determine the Greenwich meridian in 1884 AD.
* Did you know that the period in which the Crusaders occupied Jerusalem is 88 years old.
* Did you know that the amount of bread thrown in the trash each year of the French is 400 thousand tons.
* Did you know that the Abbasid Caliph Billah is the eighth son of Harun al-Rashid and the father of eight boys and eight girls and was sentenced for eight years and eight months and eight days.
* Did you know that there is a Korean child IQ was 210 degrees and age of the child is six years and speaks four languages ​​(Korean, English, Italian and Japanese) can also solve complex calculations on the TV screen .. Working parents of this child, and two professors at the University of amazing coincidence they were born in one day in one hour where she was at eleven pm on May 23, 1934 AD The Intelligent His name their son (Kim Jong).
* Did you know that the age of the monkey does not exceed an average of thirty years.
* Did you know that the first ad in history was in the form of a house of poetry organized by poet Rabia Ben Amer Baldrama known to have attended a force all traders complain that sells mufflers, except the black one did not buy it .. Poet and wrote a poem and send it to a poet to sing its praises .. And wrote in the opening lines: Tell the Maliha in the black veil .. Why did Ibnask worshiper. ,,, And to spread this poem does not remain one did not buy a black veil Vnfzt mufflers with each merchant, but he sold it at a high price ....
* Did you know that the first naval battle is a Muslim (with masts) that occurred in the Mediterranean Sea between the Muslims and the Byzantines during the reign of Uthman ibn Affan in 34 AH and won by Muslims.
* Did you know that the first vehicle to reach the moon is the Russian spacecraft (Luna 2) and that was in September 1959.
* Did you know that the first rose to outer space is (Yuri Gagarin) Russian on board the vehicle (Avostyk).
* Did you know that the first walk in outer space is Russia (L ** j Leonov) in June 1965.
* Did you know that the first to put his foot on the moon is the U.S. (Neil Ermstrnk) in July 1969.
* Did you know that the first girl I went up to space is (Valentina Terckova) on board the vehicle (Vostok 6).
* Did you know that (nystagmus) means moving the eyes and managed to pay consideration to the goal.
* Did you know that first discovered the minor blood circulation in humans is Ibn al-Nafis.
* Did you know that the first of the viability of said solid organ in the body Kalazam of inflammation and tumors, and inflation is the son of Sina.
* Did you know that the largest blocks of gold ore found in Australia and Brazil.
* Did you know that female lions if you put her child and to submit it in the air for days by the escape of ants and ants because they place a piece of meat he is afraid of ants and ant still submit it and place it, and move from place to place until it becomes strong.
* Did you know that the American alligator and the crocodile and the African seahorse spend periods of sleep while floating on the water especially when the water is warm and likes to assign heads to the emergence of her colleagues.
* Did you know that the mother cat gives birth to three times a year and give birth from 3:20 p.m. cat, and most people do not want to crowd their homes and cats so they distribute them to others .. Or .. Agrkonha.
* Did you know that the number of hair is about 120 thousand hair in the head right .. And whenever the hair is thin, more .. And blond hair over black hair and red hair are generally less dense as 90 per thousand hair .. Renewed, and this number generally within five years, with fall every day between 50: 60 hair.
* Did you know that the brain needs to one sixth the amount of blood pumped by the heart and five primary ** gene, which enters the body .. Although the brain does not weigh more than one-fiftieth of the whole body.
Did you know that in the human body is about 32 billion cells.
* Did you know that in the human body more than two million sweat glands secrete a lot of sweat, ranging from half a liter to a liter and a half every 24 hours non-stop in summer and winter with the effort and the Movement and with high temperature.
* Did you know that if the nail surgically removed or lost for any reason it takes a hundred days to return as it was again.
* Did you know that urine retention in the body leads to an increase in urea and a case of poisoning called (boolean poisoning).
* Did you know that the number of hours of sleep in humans range of between 7 to 8 hours per day, we spend more than a third of life sleeping in the man who lived sixtieth year .. Nam, of which about twenty years.
* Did you know that the thickness of human skin no more than 2 mm, and thickness of the skin of an elephant is 25 mm, and the human skin contains several thousands of glands that secrete sweat, while the elephant's skin is free of these glands except eyelids eyes.
* Did you know that the common man walking an average of 20 thousand steps a day .. Ie during the 80 years it has toured around the world six times.
* Did you know that the heart are affected by body size, the number of strikes the heart of the ordinary man in the eightieth minute strike .. And the elephant in the 25 beats a minute .. In the rat and 700 beats a minute .. The number of bird strikes the heart of 1000 beats a minute.
* Did you know that a newborn baby crying in the average duration of 113 minutes per day .. And the tears secreted by the help a lot on his general health care ..
* Did you know that the liquid surrounding the eyes, which is known as the tears is the most powerful disinfectant.
* Did you know that tears contain chemicals that pain killers released by the brain when a human cry.
* Did you know that the liver is the only member who can transform the protein and its contents of amino acids to glucose, or sugar substance.
* Did you know that the most important function of the spleen is a blood red balls smashed, hit by a pyramid and disability and shared in this task by the liver.
* Did you know that eating beans to shoot to prevent heart attacks .. He spends a high proportion of cholesterol in the blood .. And thus reduces the rate to shoot up eating beans and one percent of the materials that lead to hardening of the arteries.
* Did you know that the left ear heard the weakest of the right ear.
* Did you know that the strongest muscle in the human body is the muscle of the jaw.
* Did you know that the body is likely to heat up to 128 degrees Celsius.
* Did you know that some vegetables such as cucumber and eggplant can have a detrimental effect on humans as research has proven that the option would shift its color from green to yellow resulting in materials with no toxic effect on humans also demonstrated that the Gherkin time shaped crooked toxic effect on the human .. These toxic substance found in the heart of al .. As research has proven that eating eggplant frequently affects the nervous system of man.
* Did you know that fruit juice alone or mixed and must be addressed in case it shows Waiting ** de Viaminach because the air as some species that spoil quickly, and in the forefront of carrot juice
* Did you know that the strangest statistics on obesity reported that watching color TV lead to obesity.
* Did you know that cats Balbanha rich and nutritious milk of all mammals and fit.
* Did you know that the island of Taiwan, or China National called the Portuguese explorers in 1580 the name (Formosa) any fine.
* Did you know that waste resulting from the digestion of leaves eaten by the worms is a good fertilizer for the soil and worms that can cover the ground with a layer of compost within three months of the papers that ate it in about a year.
* Did you know that the longest-lived insects, beetles of the species bears the name of the beetle as the wonderful process of transformation from larva to the pupal stage only needs 47 years to complete.
* Did you know that more advertisers in the press shop stable (Goss Bill) for the sale of garments in America Gurria as the declaration is published daily in the upper left corner on the second page of a newspaper (Macon Telegraph) since the second from February 1889 until today.
* Did you know that the oldest continental regular army is the Swiss Guard at the Vatican since its foundation date back to the year 1400.
* Did you know that the largest number of letters in the language of letters is the language of Cambodia, which has a 72 character alphabet.
* Did you know that the highest price for an animal is what pushed the American millionaire (Bear Mount Morgan), the price of dog won prize games (Jermal) for dogs, offering Millionaire 865,000 pounds paid for the dog
* Did you know that coral is extracted from the Mediterranean Sea The Red Sea is more full, coral reefs and there are three types of coral are red, black and yellow.
* Did you know that sapphire is the febrile world of an old Arab scholars of language and literature.
* Did you know that one of the first-Razi, who pointed to the plastic surgery as a branch of the branches of surgery.
* Did you know that first pointed to the fragmentation of stones in the bladder, the doctors are Arabs.
* Did you know that parrot without all the birds are the only ones that can move its beak up and down the other birds, they move Menkara one.
* Did you know that the heart works one day a constant massive enough to lift the locomotive to the rail height of one meter.
* Did you know that the heart beats per minute 60 and 80 times per year beats 40 million times.
* Did you know that blue-Yamamah was a bit of insight into a journey of three days.
* Did you know that the longest and fastest animals and is the longest Angha giraffe.
* Did you know that most of the tongue stumbling block foot.
* Did you know that amber is extracted from the intestines of a sperm whale, a valuable material in the manufacture of perfumes.
* Did you know that our solar system belong to the Milky Way galaxy, which consists of a number of stars around a hundred billion stars revolve slowly around the central core and our sun is one of these stars and away from the nucleus a distance of 30,000 light-years and light-year is a 9461 one billion km.
* Did you know that Palestinian property in Jerusalem, not to exceed 10 per cent, while Israel controls 86 percent of the area of ​​Jerusalem.
* Did you know that the first thing Allah created the pen.
* Did you know that the first monument in the land of Mount Abu Mount Qubeis Mecca.
* Did you know that the first house built in the land the Kaaba.
* Did you know that the first mosque established for the people is the Grand Mosque.
* Did you know that the first born son, Adam, peace be upon him Cain

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