الثلاثاء، 28 يونيو 2011

Medicine and nature

Did you know?
Medicine and nature

Did you know that the human body consists of 206 pieces of bone

Did you know that the giraffe to the length of her neck They do not sleep in one day only nine minutes and is not once but on three stages of three minutes each time

Did you know that the arteries of the human body with a length of 600000 km

Did you know that the whale can survive hours under water without breathing

Did you know that the blue whale is the largest animal on earth

Did you know that blue whales can communicate by singing at a distance of 850 km

Did you know that water fountain made from above the head of the whale skull sometimes reaches a height of 9 meters

Did you know that the weight of the elephant up to 5 tons and with a speed of up to 40 km / h

Did you know that the journey broken blood in its course every day is 168 million miles

Did you know that the natural child begins to focus his eyes on moving objects and moving limbs in the sixth week of age, and in the same period to respond to sudden sounds

Did you know that migraine headaches affect children as well, but at rates lower than adults affects

Did you know that some cases of rheumatism rheumatoid arthritis treated ice packs and had a great success

Did you know that water is about 90 percent of body weight

Did you know that the rate of palpitations up to 72 beats per minute or 0.432 beats per hour or 37,843,200 per year

Did you know that heart size varies from one person to another, as well as its dimensions. The average weight is 325 gm for men and the average weight for women is 245 g, but varies with body size and weight

Did you know that all the fruits, especially citrus fruits and tomatoes - tomatoes - contain a large amount of vitamin C and prefer to eat vegetables containing vitamin vitamin-rich fresh

Did you know that a lack of vitamin B in the yeast, milk, eggs, meat and pears, beans, wheat is processed and Calfasolia grains and beans, potatoes delay of growth and distorts and causes irritation and disorders of the nerves and severe constipation

Did you know that vitamin c 2 a vital and indispensable for the body and contributes to the lime and the organization of the circulatory system and lead to the deficiency disease scurvy, and the types of flu

Did you know that vitamin A found in fish oil and cod liver oil, egg yolks, butter, cream and yellow vegetables long leaves, carrots, pears necessary for the growth of the child and the deficiency impedes the process of growth and excessive eating cause pressure increased in the brain, dizziness, headache, hair loss and Ishqq skin, lips, and changes in bone formation and hurts joints

Did you know that over-taking some vitamins to lead poisoning

Did you know that the elephant cry when sad

Did you know that the horse dies if its tail cut off

Did you know that the turtle is the animal that preserves the bones in flesh

Did you know that the dolphin closes one eye when he sleeps

Did you know that the tortoise and snake fly and do not have the sense of hearing

Did you know that the strongest muscle in the human body is jaw muscle

Did you know that the body is likely to heat up to 128 ° C

Did you know that the left ear heard the weakest of the right ear

Did you know that the thickness of human skin no more than 2 mm, and thickness of the skin of an elephant is 25 mm, and the human skin contains several thousands of glands that secrete sweat, while the elephant's skin is free of these glands with the exception of eye lids

Did you know that the age of the monkey does not exceed an average of thirty years

Did you know that shaking its wings, fly around (32) times per second

Did you know that eagles do not die and commit suicide, but because of illness

Did you know that - the dolphin - is the smartest mammals

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